Uncovering talent is a tricky process, it involves the review of your company’s prospectus and values while also evaluating the potential employee’s prospects and values. Acceptance is a key variable in the process and it does not equate to leniency, so long as the business/company’s goals are met with enthusiasm, differences should be accommodated and even further understood to operate at a high-spirited level. This is a fundamental aspect of nurturing the workplace.

To do better, you must influence the environment to be better. Acquiring talent is of course one of the most daunting tasks as it introduces new energy and character to the professional atmosphere, and it can either blatantly fail or soar successfully. Before venturing on into the nurturing step to maintain talent, talent must be sought first. HRMatrix presents to you several helpful questions to ask in the process of interviewing talent. 

  1. Ask about their major instances of success

    1. What brought them to achieve such positions? Learn about their motivation and maneuvering tactics to navigate under certain work-related circumstances.

    2. What traits did this employee put into motion to properly execute such accomplishments? 

  2. What are their unique, professional traits? 

    1. What can they bring to the table that is refreshing and upbeat to continue the momentum of productivity?

  3. Ask them what they expect out of management

    1. Should management focus on company morale or acts of recognition? What makes them want to work harder? 

  4. After question #3, inquire about the variation and preference of reward. 

    1. On the subject of recognition, what does your employee prefer? What acts of recognition have they acquired under previous employment that motivated them? Does it apply in this work-related scenario?

  5. Ask about their favorite boss

    1. It’s a simple question, but it helps you to acquire insight into their perspective and cooperation with management and how you can either adjust or dismiss potential talent.


HRMatrix will always ensure your success. Talent acquisition is not easy, but asking these five questions will surely provide insight and aid to help you determine high-quality employment.