What Is Psychological Safety?

For HRMatrix, psychological safety takes precedent for the employees and the correlative workplace. We want to endorse a successful environment, and while doing so, we encourage methods that were once unorthodox to the term, “successful”. Flashback to the corporate culture prior to generational transition- remember when the connotations attached to success represented fast-paced ignorance? 

There was a dramatic lack of mindfulness and workplace-empathy. Well now companies have therapeutically embarked on reconstructive professionalism, and HRMatrix is making the initiative to demote nescience and promote an all-inclusive atmosphere. 

We have previously discussed the prominent concepts of inclusiveness, but now it is time to discuss psychological safety. Psychological safety is a workplace spirit/energy. It regulates a sense of liberated comfort while ensuring company goals of innovation and progress. Employees should feel safe enough to be honest, acquire assistance, and accept mistakes. 

What Happens When Companies Opt out of Psychological Safety?

Without this workplace attribute, employees refrain from a sense of accountability as it is a derivative of interpersonal connection. High stress environments compromise passion, and therefore the employee cannot generate enough sincerity when contributing to the company. They choose to withdraw, they choose to be dishonest, and not take initiative on the general tasks listed. The employee must be valued through action so they can reciprocate through action. To retain inquiries whether in a conference or in a one-on-one discussion is an increasingly common matter. 

Employees later refrain from asking questions about the criteria of their work which can potentially hurt the success-rate and accuracy of their assignments. It is dangerously common for people to hold back their concerns and observations given that in a typical workplace hierarchy, silence is considered as a sign of compliance. For another party of employees, the constraints on psychological safety is perceived as an obstruction in which the method of maneuvering is considered efficient, because they are not challenging those constraints. 

So employees resort to personal management to figure out the rhythm of their productivity, leaving you, the manager, out of the loop. Even ideas of innovative disruption are silenced, because of the lack of psychological safety. Employees, since they are not at the position of management, feel as though their efforts are not valued.

How do you Promote a Safe Environment?

In your position, you must be transparent with positive reinforcement and why. You must make it very clear that your workplace is managed through communication and involvement to ensure success per employee. 

Show that you prefer honesty and accountability, and you dont function solely on company regulations to decipher judgement upon mistakes. Welcome participation, and understand the communication barriers for both introverted and extroverted workers. Ask questions about what makes employees comfortable so that you may redefine the atmosphere and instill various resources. 

When on a specific subject, tell your workers what sort of relevant innovations/contributions you need to provide motivated incentive. This makes them feel like they are part of the workplace and that they are wanted.


Companies who practice psychological safety are capable of thorough growth across the range of employees as they make the steps to seek modern strategy while providing stability, reassurance, and reward. Collaboration is a fantastic method of success, and now that your employees feel comfortable enough to work together, your company will pursue evident strides towards the ultimate objectives.

HRMatrix wants to bring camaraderie. We want to expand with depth and knowledge which your employees surely have. We believe in potential and in order to unlock it, psychological safety must be a staple. HRMatrix endorses agility, empowerment, and representation all the while supporting mental health, because that is the priority. That is what the new-age is all about.