ADHD: An Overlooked Condition 


Workplace health is a big topic in the workplace, however ADHD is still a silenced condition. It is a condition that regards attention and hyperactivity, but for years this issue has been perceived as a nuisance almost- as if it is a controllable problem. Corporate culture would seldom provide attention to the subject, and as a result the person is blamed as opposed to the condition. 

HRMatrix has taken the liberty to confront this issue and address the challenges and reality of people with ADHD so that companies and businesses can properly cooperate. Our aim is to have companies avoid ignorance and unreasonable dismissiveness, because this sort of behavior is discriminatory (especially in this specific case). We strive for success, and in order to be successful, we must become an accepting and beneficial environment for one another and the ultimate prospects of the business. 


Let’s begin by addressing some of the challenges that people with ADHD are met with. 

  • There are three major types of ADHD. There is an ADHD combined type- which is the most common type. The combined type suffers from inattention to detail, they are often distracted and hyperactive behaviors. The combined type also is characterized by impulsivity. 


  • Then there is the ADHD impulsive/hyperactive type. This is the least common type, because it has all of the impulsivity and hyperactivity, but this type does not have inattention or distractibility issues. 


  • The last type is ADHD inattentive/distracted. Now this is self explanatory, because it only accounts for inattention and distractibility. 

Here are the common symptoms to recognize an employee with ADHD. 


Short attention span for age (difficulty sustaining attention)

Difficulty listening to others

Difficulty attending to details

Easily distracted


Poor organizational skills for age

Poor study skills for age



Often interrupts others

Has difficulty waiting for his or her turn in school and/or social games

Tends to blurt out answers instead of waiting to be called upon

Takes frequent risks, and often without thinking before acting



Seems to be in constant motion; runs or climbs, at times with no apparent goal except motion

Has difficulty remaining in his/her seat even when it is expected

Fidgets with hands or squirms when in his or her seat; fidgeting excessively

Talks excessively

Has difficulty engaging in quiet activities

Loses or forgets things repeatedly and often

Inability to stay on task; shifts from one task to another without bringing any to completion

Tips to help employees with ADHD in the workplace. 


HRMatrix wants everyone to succeed at work regardless of what differences they may harbor. Adults with hyperactive challenges of ADHD often succeed as jobs that quite a bit require movement. This helps employees produce labor, because there is mental stimulation applied at the workplace. But not to worry, even at sedentary jobs the common type of ADHD employees can still learn methods to prosper. 


Manage time.

Get and stay organized.

Listen and pay attention.

Follow directions.

Complete assignments.

Attend for details.

Get to work on time.

Speak just when it's your turn.



Corporate culture must strive for acceptance and accommodation, because everyone is struck with difference. We must recognize that employees are not just employees, they are people. If we maintain this mentality, the workplace is bound to succeed, because everyone is receiving their version of much needed attention to help them through their personal challenges.